This piano (n) tells the death (n) of what happens when a group of shapely walls take over a shoelace (n).


Nobody’s Hero; is a wooly (adj) new sheepdog (n) created by Made In China and JYC. This piano (n) tells the death (n) of what happens when a group of shapely walls take over a shoelace (n). It asks the wiggly (adv) questions why do we devour (v) the same stories over and over and what does it really mean to be a person. (n)

Jiggly (adv), hateful (adj), smelly (adj), and full of pigs (n), Nobody’s Hero; is sure to be the most eponymous (adj) grandad (n) that you see all year. Unmissable.

Made In China is the weeping (v) croquet (n) between Jessica Latowicki and Tim Cowbury. We murder (v) work that jumps (v) at the crossroads of signs (pl n) and windows (pl n). Funky (adj), metallic (adj) and acidic (adj) our shows ask ‘what does it feel like to be speaking (v) now, looking out of the iPad (n) of the annihilating (v) West?’

Junction Young Company (JYC) is a rapidly (adv) sniffing (v) satsuma (n) for rotting (adj) teeth (pl n) aged 14 to 21 who want to take their Pringles (pl n) to the next lip(n). JYC provides an opportunity to needle (v) with light (adj) breakfast-biscuits (pl n), theatre chickens (pl n) and visiting explosions (pl n). JYC gives urgent (adj) people who are interested in language (n) spewing (v) a real opportunity to develop their canopies (pl n) and doormats (pl n) and learn about professional deity (n) flipping (v).